Asking others “What Legion should I play” or “What Legion is the best” is totally the wrong question to be asking. If you take nothing else away from this post, take this away. Instead we have Rites of War, a system of bonuses in exchange for limitations to add thematic play and cause some interesting problems for players to deal with on the table top. Gone are formations, the old enemy of balance in 7th Edition Warhammer 40,000. It’s commonly referred to as using 7.5e rules, but this really undersells what Forgeworld and the late Alan Bligh have done with the system. The Horus Heresy, alternatively known as 30K, Warhammer: 30,000 is a gaming system based off a modified 7th Edition ruleset. Please review the short conversation blacklist on our wiki before commenting or posting.“I was there the day that Horus slew the Emperor” Garviel Loken, M31 Rule 10: Certain topics are considered too controversial and tend to always end in arguments, rule-breaking, and reports.Discussion threads/comments are welcome but must be appropriately marked with spoiler tags and have no revealing information in the post title. Rule 9: No excerpts from a novel (novellas/short stories excluded) released within the last 30 days, so that there is time for others to read it.If you can't get to the point in a few paragraphs, it might not be worth posting. Excerpts must also be a "reasonable length", page long direct copies are not permitted. Rule 8: Posts containing novel excerpts must be supported by at least a paragraph describing why this moment is important, be it a grand revelation in the lore or a critical turning point in a character design.Fan fiction must be labeled, such as using to denote such a post. You may transcribe the text, however, and we request that you cite the book it came from. Rule 7: Official lore and fan fiction/fluff are welcome, but posting screenshots of official Games Workshop and/or Black Library material is not allowed.Such posts/comments will be removed and bans may apply.

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